10/4 Collective Tarot Reading: Major Arcana The Fool

For many this is a time of new beginnings and a fresh start. This is the beginning of your souls journey.

Remember what it was like when you were a child and experiencing something new? Everything was fresh, exciting, you came from a place of curiosity and tried to understand the world around you.

This is your time to come from that place . To make a world that resonates with your soul and to undo what you’ve been told and no longer works for you. Now is your time!

If you often talk yourself out of new beginnings because it’s scary or you struggle with knowing how it will pan out: Consider the alternative, you could always continue to create the same predictable results. I want you to ask yourself is that the life you want or the life someone told you, you should have…

I share this with whomever it resonates with and may serve.

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